Publications of the IHE

Peer-Reviewed Research Papers

  • Fernanda Martínez Flores, Sveta Milusheva, Arndt R. Reichert, Ann-Kristin Reitmann (2024): Climate anomalies and international migration: A disaggregated analysis for West AfricaJournal of Environmental Economics and Management, 126, 102997
  • Brönneke, J., A. Herr, A. Stern and S. Reif (2023): Dynamic HTA for Digital Health Solutions: Opportunities and Challenges for Patient-Centered EvaluationInternational Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, forthcoming
  • Herr, A., Stühmeier, T., & Wenzel, T. (2023): More cost-sharing, less cost? Evidence on reference price drugsHealth Economics, 32( 2), 413– 435.
  • Robert Marty, Manuel Ramos-Maqueda, Nausheen Khan, Arndt Reichert (2023): The Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through the Lens of Google SearchesNature Scientific Reports 13, 9843
  • (2022): Der CCI-6D: Indexinstrument zur Messung der PflegeheimqualitätPublic Health Forum
  • Mensen, A., Heger, D., Herr, A. (2022): Paying for the view? How nursing home prices affect quality of careHealth Economics
  • Grimm, M., Hartwig, R., Reitmann, A. K., & Bocoum, F. Y. (2021): Inter-household transfers: An empirical investigation of the income-transfer relationship with novel data from Burkina FasoWorld Development, 144, 105486
  • J.S. Quis, A. Bela and G. Heineck (2021): Preschoolers' self-regulation and early mathematical skill differentialsEducation Economics
    DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2020.1866498
  • Jona T. Stahmeyer, Melissa Hemmerling, Birte Burger, Sveja Eberhard, Christian Krauth, Jan Zeidler, Annika Herr, Henning Weseloh, Siegbert Rossol (2021): Die Häufigkeit von diagnostizierten Fettlebererkrankungen (NAFLD) in der deutschen Bevölkerung–Eine Analyse auf der Basis von GKV-Routinedaten.Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie
    DOI: 10.1055/a-1402-1263
  • Nillesen, E., Grimm, M., Goedhuys, M., Reitmann, A. K., & Meysonnat, A. (2021): On the malleability of gender attitudes: Evidence from implicit and explicit measures in TunisiaWorld Development
  • Sílvia Garcia-Mandicó, Arndt Reichert, Christoph Strupat (2021): The Social Value of Health Insurance: Results from GhanaJournal of Public Economics
  • Reitmann, A. K., Goedhuys, M., Grimm, M., & Nillesen, E. E. (2020): Gender attitudes in the Arab region – the role of framing and priming effectsJournal of Economic Psychology
    DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2020.102288
  • A. D. Stern, A. Herr, F. Pietrulla, A. S. Kesselheim and A. Sarpatwari (2019): The impact of price regulation on the availability of new drugs in GermanyHealth Affairs 38 (7): 1182-1187
    DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05142
  • A. Herr and H.-T. Normann (2019): How much priority bonus should be given to registered organ donors? An experimental analysisJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization 158: 367-378.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2018.12.006
  • A. Goeddeke, J. Haucap, A. Herr and C. Wey (2018): Flexibility in wage setting under the threat of relocationLabour 32: 1-22.
    DOI: 10.1111/labr.12118
  • Ingo W. K. Kolodziej, Arndt R. Reichert, Hendrik Schmitz (2018): New Evidence on Employment Effects of Informal Care Provision in EuropeHealth Services Research
  • J. S. Quis (2018): Does Compressing High School Duration Affect Students' Stress and Mental Health? Evidence from the National Educational Panel StudyJournal of Economics and Statistics. V. 235, No. 5
  • A. Herr and M. Suppliet (2017): Tiered co-payments, pricing, and demand in reference price markets for pharmaceuticalsJournal of Health Economics, 56: 19-29.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2017.08.008
  • Arndt Reichert, Harald Tauchmann (2017): Workforce Reduction, Subjective Job Insecurity, and Mental HealthJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization
  • Arndt Reichert, Magdalena Stroka (2017): Nursing Home Prices and Quality of Care - Evidence from Administrative DataHealth Economics
  • S. P. Herber, J. S. Quis and G. Heineck (2017): Does the Transition into Daylight Saving Time Affect Students' Performance?Economics of Education Review No. 61
  • A. Herr and H. Hottenrott (2016): Higher prices, higher quality? Evidence from German nursing homesHealth Policy 120 (2): 179-89.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.01.008
  • A. Herr and H.-T. Normann (2016): Organ donation in the lab: Preferences and votes on the priority ruleJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization 161, Part B: 139-149.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.09.001
  • A. Herr, T. Nguyen and H. Schmitz (2016): Public reporting and the quality of care of German nursing homesHealth Policy 120 (10): 1162-1170.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.09.004
  • Alfredo Paloyo, Arndt Reichert (2016): Biting Back at Malaria: Assessing Health-Service Providers' Compliance with Treatment GuidelinesReview of Development Economics
  • M. Groß, A. Herr, M. Hower, A. Kuhlmann, J. Mahlich, and M. Stoll (2016): Unemployment, health, and education of HIV-infected males in GermanyInternational Journal of Public Health 61: 593-602.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00038-015-0750-3
  • Alfredo R. Paloyo, Arndt Reichert, Monika Reuss-Borste, Harald Tauchmann (2015): Who responds to financial incentives for weight loss? Evidence from a randomized controlled trialSocial Science & Medicine
  • Arndt Reichert (2014): Obesity, Weight Loss, and Employment Prospects – Evidence from a Randomized TrialThe Journal of Human Resources
    DOI: 10.3368/jhr.50.3.759
  • Arndt Reichert, Harald Tauchmann (2014): When outcome heterogeneously matters for selection: a generalized selection correction estimatorApplied Economics
  • B. Frank, J. Haucap and A. Herr (2014): Social drinking versus administering alcoholEconomic Inquiry, 52: 1245-1247.
    DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12079
  • J. Haucap and A. Herr (2014): A note on social drinking: In vino veritasEuropean Journal of Law and Economics 37 (3): 381-392.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10657-013-9412-1
  • T. Duso, A. Herr and M. Suppliet (2014): The welfare impact of parallel imports: A structural approach applied to the German market for oral anti-diabeticsHealth Economics 23 (9): 1036-1057.
    DOI: 10.1002/hec.3068
  • Alfredo R. Paloyo, Arndt R. Reichert, Holger Reinermann, Harald Tauchmann (2013): The Causal Link Between Financial Incentives and Weight Loss – An Evidence Based Survey of the LiteratureJournal of Economic Surveys
  • Arndt R. Reichert, Boris Augurzky, Harald Tauchmann (2013): Self-perceived Job Insecurity and the Demand for Medical Rehabilitation: Does Fear of Unemployment Reduce Health Care Utilization?Health Economics
  • A. Herr (2011): Quality and welfare in a mixed duopoly with regulated prices: The case of a public and a private hospitalGerman Economic Review 12 (4): 422-437.
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0475.2010.00527.x
  • A. Herr, H. Schmitz and B. Augurzky (2011): Profit efficiency and ownership of German hospitalsHealth Economics 20 (6): 660-674.
    DOI: 10.1002/hec.1622
  • A. Herr (2008): Cost and technical efficiency of German hospitals: Does ownership matter?Health Economics 17 (9): 1057-71.
    DOI: 10.1002/hec.1388

Working Papers

  • Flores,Fernanda Martínez; Milusheva,Svetoslava Petkova; Reichert,Arndt Rudiger (2021): Climate Anomalies and International Migration : A Disaggregated Analysis for West AfricaPolicy Research Working Paper (World Bank)
  • M. D. Araujo P. and J. S. Quis (2021): Parents Can Tell! Evidence on Classroom Quality Differences in German Primary SchoolsBERG Working Paper 172
  • Reitmann, A. K. (2020): Changing environmental conservation attitudes: Evidence from a framed field experiment among small-scale coffee farmers in ColombiaPassauer Diskussionspapiere-Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe Vol. 82
  • A. Babin-Saric and A. Herr (2019): The welfare effects of private rooms in German nursing homes: A structural approach, revise and resubmit
  • A. Herr, T. Stühmeier and T. Wenzel (2019): More cost-sharing, less cost? Evidence on reference price drugsunder review
  • A. Herr, T. Stühmeier and T. Wenzel (2019): Reference pricing and copayment exemption limitsmimeo
  • J. S. Quis and S. Reif (2017): Health Effects of Instruction Intensity - Evidence from a Natural Experiment in German High-SchoolsFAU Discussion Papers in Economics No. 12-2017 / BERG Working Paper 123 / SOEP Papers 916

Book chapters / German articles

  • A. Herr (2013): Wettbewerb und Rationalisierung im deutschen Arzneimittelmarkt: Ein ÜberblickList-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 39 (2): 163-181.
    DOI: 10.1007/BF03373047
  • S. Felder and A. Herr (2013): Competent in Competition and Health: Das gesundheitsökonomische Forschungszentrum CINCHPublic Health Forum, 21 (4): 25.e1-25.e3.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.phf.2013.09.010
  • A. Herr (2012): Effizienz und Trägerschaft deutscher Krankenhäuser: Analysen mit Daten der amtlichen StatistikWirtschaft und Statistik 2/2012: 187-194.
  • J. Haucap, M. Coenen, A. Herr and B. A. Kuchinke (2012): Der deutsche Apothekenmarkt: Reformoptionen für eine effiziente und nachhaltige VersorgungHaucap, J., Krämer, G., Kühling, J. und Waschbusch, G. (Hrsg.), Wettbewerb und Regulierung von Märkten und Unternehmen, Band 19, NOMOS Verlag, Baden-Baden.
  • A. Goeddeke, J. Haucap, A. Herr and C. Wey (2011): Stabilität und Wandel von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen aus wettbewerbsökonomischer SichtZeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung 44 (1): 143-154.
    DOI: 10.1007/s12651-011-0080-8
  • M. Coenen, J. Haucap, A. Herr and B. A. Kuchinke (2011): Wettbewerbspotenziale im deutschen ApothekenmarktORDO 62: 205-230.
  • M. Coenen, J. Haucap, and A. Herr (2011): Regionalität: Wettbewerbliche Überlegungen zum KrankenhausmarktJ. Klauber et al. (Hrsg.), Krankenhausreport 2012, Schattauer: Stuttgart: 149-163.